The League of Extraordinary Packages

Our Packages:

Presented by The League of Extraordinary Packages

Getting Started

Usage Guide

Upgrade Guide

Usage - Additional Customisation

You may call League\FactoryMuffin\Facade::setCustomMaker(function ($class) { return new $class('example'); }) in order to register a closure to customise the model creation. This will be used internally by Factory Muffin rather than us just straight up using new $class().

You may call League\FactoryMuffin\Facade::setCustomSetter(function ($object, $name, $value) { $object->set($name, $value); }) in order to register a closure to customise the attribute setting. This will be used internally by Factory Muffin when setting your attributes rather than us just using $object->$name = $value.

You may call League\FactoryMuffin\Facade::setCustomSaver(function ($object) { $object->save(); $object->push(); return true; }) in order to save your object in a custom way. This will be used internally by Factory Muffin when saving your object rather than us just using $object->save().

You may call League\FactoryMuffin\Facade::setCustomDeleter(function ($object) { $object->forceDelete(); return true; }) in order to delete your object in a custom way. This will be used internally by Factory Muffin when deleting your object rather than us just using $object->delete().